

Davidson Local Top 5: November 7-12

Davidson Local Top 5: November 7-12

Our most read content this week includes a city extending its boundaries, an article about three siblings all over the age of 95, an announcement regarding election intentions and profiles on a couple of veterans. Visit to catch up on additional news.

  1. Lexington council approves annexation agreement, ordinance amendments

  2. Michael siblings reach rare milestone ages

  3. Political Ad: Mandy Kiser announces intent to run for County Commissioner seat

  4. Salute: Military service is all in the family for Padial

  5. Salute: Terry says Veterans Day makes her feel special

Cathy's Creative Corner: 'Meep! Meep!'

Cathy's Creative Corner: 'Meep! Meep!'

Political Ad: Lt. Governor Mark Robinson endorses Commissioner Chris Elliott

Political Ad: Lt. Governor Mark Robinson endorses Commissioner Chris Elliott