

Political Opinion: Statement by Burr Sullivan, candidate for Mayor of Lexington

Political Opinion: Statement by Burr Sullivan, candidate for Mayor of Lexington

Burr Sullivan is a mayoral candidate for the City of Lexington. {Contributed photo}

As the voters in Lexington head to their eight neighborhood voting locations on Tuesday, November 7th, I want to urge everyone to think about the taxpayer issues that have been discussed in Lexington over the last eight or ten weeks.   Lexington has opportunities to turn in a new direction and work toward a more prosperous future-----but only if we do some things differently!  Our population has been stagnant for the last 23 years.  Our median FAMILY income in Lexington is just over $ 30,000 compared to $60,000 for the entire State of NC.  We have welcomed only one new company, Siemens Mobility, to build a new manufacturing plant to our City in the last 12 years. The City of Lexington has no economic development budget and no professional on its staff to work with the State of NC industry recruiters.  The City has cash reserves that are very significantly below peer cities that own utility systems, and this is due to the irresponsible use of the savings account to balance the budget---well over $ 4 million in the last two years. The current budget includes over $ 2,000,000 to “kick start” two unnecessary spending projects that can only be completed by raising taxes another 30%. But we are ALREADY the city with the fourth highest city property taxes in the State of NC. TIME OUT!   

If elected Mayor of Lexington, I will implement a very thoughtful change in direction.  With the support of the city council members, we will immediately create an economic development fund and become more intentionally focused on recruitment of companies with Class A jobs that pay good wages. Only the recruitment of new companies will solve our most pressing problems, including the high poverty rate that has recently kicked up.   I want to be the Mayor that brings more companies to Lexington so that family income doubles, and our population increases.   I have 18 years experience in economic development and know what the City needs to do in order to recruit new companies.  My opponent simply has no such experience. 

If elected, I also plan to get more resources devoted to our poor city street conditions. The current plan is to get streets identified as “poor” some two years ago repaired by 2036. This is unacceptable------and we deserve better for all the taxes being paid.

Because our current very high property tax rate is a detriment to recruiting people and companies in Lexington, I will ask the Lexington City Council to approve a freeze in our tax rate  soon after the election.   This is the first step in a long term plan to ultimately reduce city property tax rates DOWNWARD from 77 cents per $ 100 to the statewide average of 48 cents per $ 100.  This will only be possible if an  experienced leadership team  sets a goal and  is intentional about making Lexington become  a more prosperous city.   I frequently say to friends…….if Lexington doubles the median family income to the statewide  average, and also lowers its property tax rate to the statewide  average of 48 cents, WE WILL BE IN A MUCH BETTER PLACE.   Our geographic location in the State and our national  reputation as the # 1 State for Business, will carry us forward the rest of the way.  All of this requires a change in leadership and a change in direction for the City budget priorities.    

Lastly, I will use my experience in public education to help our young people understand the abundant  opportunities for good wages if they  graduate from Lexington Senior High School and then finish their education at Davidson Davie Community College. Getting a certified job skill at the community college is key to having a good secure future. The opportunities for our young people have never been so numerous and financially rewarding.  

There are many taxpayer issues on the ballot next Tuesday and the voters have a stark choice to make when they go to the polls. I am proudly running with three experienced people who wish to serve as city council members. Tommy Black, Becky Klass, and Cody Beck have experience and deserve your vote as we look to the future of Lexington. I join them in asking for your vote on Tuesday. Ask your friends and neighbors to join you at the neighborhood polling location. Let’s agree to make Lexington more prosperous and a City with a better future for everyone.      

Burr W. Sullivan
Candidate for Mayor

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