

Faith and Fellowship: Kiss Yesterday Goodbye

Faith and Fellowship: Kiss Yesterday Goodbye

Growing up I can remember my grandmother saying.

If you were suppose to look behind you, God would have put eyes in the back of your head.
The older I become the more I understand what my grandmother was saying. Now without any doubt, I know God knew what he was doing when he only decided we should have two eyes in the front of our head.

After spending time with God, I know to kiss yesterday goodbye is to welcome today into your life. As believers sometimes it’s hard letting go of yesterday, But always remember no matter how good yesterday was, today can be that much better.
The word of God teaches us,” This is the day which
the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad it”.
Psalm 118:24
Let us celebrate today and the goodness of our Savior, when we Kiss Yesterday Goodbye.

As Children of God, we realize we can’t look both ways. You may find yourself wasting time looking back, And if you do happen to find yourself looking back, learn to embrace what the hymn writer states,”Tis grace that brought us safe thus far.
It is a new thing that God is doing for us, it’s with anticipation and hope that God will make our future  brighter. As we Kiss Yesterday Goodbye. Let us always  remember, God cares for us and his presence is still with us, with his steadfast Love.
Psalm :136, reminds us, God’s steadfast Love endures forever, as People of Faith we are called to look forward with hope and confidence, rather than backward with longing and regret.

As children of God, we can always enjoy and experience accomplishments of the past, But always have our eyes fixed on the greater things that God is doing among us.
For we know, nothing shall separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Life changes may sometimes provoke A moment of reflection of what once was on yesterday.
I’m sure as A believer we all may have had to say goodbye to A love one.
This is when we as believers May began to understand what it really means to Kiss Yesterday Goodbye.

It is my Prayer that the believers will discover some amazingly things about ourselves and God, as we move from yesterday into today.
As we Kiss Yesterday Goodbye, remember those glimmering traces of God’s presence will forever connect us and forever illuminate a path as we walk with Christ, from yesterday into today.
Hebrew 13:8, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us reflect on James 4:14, “For, yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never be ours. We have no clue about tomorrow, because each day comes with its own surprises, troubles, pleasures and sorrows. For one does not know what tomorrow may bring”.
So May we always remember to Kiss Yesterday Goodbye.

May God So Richly Bless!

Minister Toni Mccullough

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