

May we never forget

Memorial Day is upon us, may we never forget to give honor and respect to the people that are no longer with us on earth.

Psalm 105:5 teaches us, “ Remember the wonderful works that God has done, God‘s greatest deed and judgments, the Lord utter, O offspring of Abraham God’s servant.”

Shall we never forget the past for if we forget the past it may appear that we are not thankful for all that God has done for us. God has given us an expected end and a promise for our future.

May we never forget and we should always remember not to take God for granted for all the great things he has done.

As believers, we understand that there are great things that will come to us as we live in the light of the resurrection. We should have faith that death will not be the end. May we never forget the sacrifices for our freedom, may we never forget to show love to one another as brothers and sisters.

May we never forget to show hospitality one to another. On this Memorial Day, let us not become distracted by the things of this world.

Let us remember the reason that we observe Memorial Day, that we may reflect on the men and women that have served our country in the military. May we never forget their services.

We are grateful for their service and that we might enjoy the freedoms that we have. As we think about the ones who have sacrificed for us, may we never forget that Jesus sacrificed his life so that we may have the right to life. May we never forget all that we have to be thankful for.

As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember to honor the memory through the act of service for men and women.

Memorial Day serves as a steadfast reminder that freedom is not free and it demands respect and reverence,.

Happy Memorial Day.

May God So Richly Bless!

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Happy Memorial Day from Davidson Local

Happy Memorial Day from Davidson Local

 Riley Elliott speaks at local D.A.R.E. graduation

Riley Elliott speaks at local D.A.R.E. graduation