

Opinion: Rebuttal to DC Democratic Women's Reasons to vote Blue

Opinion: Rebuttal to DC Democratic Women's Reasons to vote Blue

Recently, I was scrolling through the news stories posted on Davidson Local’s website when I came across an Op-Ed titled Davidson County Democratic Women reasons to vote Blue in 2022. Of course, I was interested in seeing what this group had to say in relation to casting votes for the Blue considering the overall incompetent job the Biden Adminstration is doing at the moment. Two things became more and more apparent as I trudged my way through the masses of falsehood presented on my screen: the Democratic Women of Davidson County fundamentally misunderstand or misrepresent every topic that was discussed in their very own article and they want the citizens of this county to drink the Kool-Aid along with them! Now, as an engaged, informed and active citizen of Davidson County, I couldn’t let an excellent educational opportunity go to waste. So, let’s take a look at the misinformation, fallacious and blatant misrepresentations, lies and propaganda the DWDC is trying to foist upon the citizens in Davidson County.

The Op-Ed begins by focusing on a litany of false information and misrepresentations about abortion and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The list of Democratic talking points is extensive here: abortion is reproductive healthcare, abortion is a net positive for society and the only reason Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Coney-Barrett even were confirmed is because they “distorted Senate rules”. Whatever that means. Let’s take these one by one. First, Abortion is NOT healthcare or reproductive care. You see, there is a key word which serves as the antithesis to abortion: care. Has the DWDC ever read the Hippocratic Oath or read any articles pertaining to the advances in prenatal and neonatal medicine in the last 49 years? Additionally, no Senate rules were “distorted” in the confirmation hearings of any of the newly appointed, conservative justices. They all agreed that Roe had been reaffirmed and was “well-settled” by past courts which is true; however, that in no way meant it was settled law in today’s society (More on that in a bit). Also, it was not one of the Trump Appointees who wrote the majority opinion for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, it was Samuel Alito. Not to mention, this decision rectified an error made by the SCOTUS in 1973, an error that has since caused 63 million lives to be snuffed out because a society was led to believe in a Constitutional Right that didn’t exist. The Judicial Branch’s purpose is to interpret the law, and according to Samuel Alito, “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start.” End quote, I’m not repeating the line. 

I hope you’re still with me at this point because the DWDC’s claims get even more laughable after the first paragraph. The DWDC go on to state again that abortion is healthcare, so I’ll reiterate: No, it’s not. Then, they make the dubious claim that miscarriages will be criminalized and parrot the Biden talking point about a 10 year old rape victim needing an abortion. The first of these claims has been debunked as no legislation has criminalized miscarriages no matter what Joy Reid might say. Secondly, the story referenced by Biden is a complete statistical anomaly in relation to the vast majority of abortions performed in the United States. Between 0.5% and 1% of abortions are performed due rape or incest according to the Guttmacher Institute, so why is the Left using these instances to proliferate their position? What about the other 99% of abortions that are performed? What is the DWDC’s stance on those? I ask, but I already know your answer. These misleading straw man arguments ultimately undermine any point this organization was trying to make. 

Moving on, the next claim that the Democratic Women of Davidson County seem to be proud of is, “In the “horse and buggy" days, the all-white, male signers of the Constitution produced the document which is our guide today with “cars, refrigerators, and telephones.” You know what type of people instituted Roe v. Wade? A Supreme court of all-white, male justices! However, do you know who overturned Roe v. Wade? The group included a mother of 7 children, a black man along with 4 white men, a much more diverse SCOTUS for sure. Also, if your argument is that the Constitution must adjust for the changing times, does that not apply also to decisions made by the Supreme Court or should we just push those to the side? There have been considerable advances in prenatal and neonatal medicine that certainly confirm life begins at conception, personhood in the womb and the pain-capability of life in the womb. Of course, these strides in modern science don’t fit the narrative of the Democratic Party. The DWDC also makes the argument that Roe v. Wade was settled “law and precedent” and should not have been overturned. If we use that logic with other SCOTUS decisions throughout history, where does that leave Dredd Scott v. Sanford, Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka and Minor v. Happersett? It is important to see that precedent does not always imbue a court’s decision with logic, morality and an ethical nature. 

Lastly, there is one thing that the Democratic Women of Davidson County and myself can agree on: the Constitution was designed to protect the rights of all people, no matter their size, location, the environment in which they are situated or their level of development. This reason alone highlights the nihilism and outright barbaric nature of those who support abortion. These people are pushing a narrative that denies the right of a certain group of people to essentially live while also celebrating a right that never existed in the Constitution in the first place. The Democratic Women of Davidson County should count their blessings that their own mothers felt their lives were worth enough not to abort them, and acknowledge the misleading information they are feeding to the citizens of Davidson County. 

John Spillman,
Davidson GOP Vice Chair and Brand Manager

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