

Op-Ed: Roe V Wade Overturned: A Win for Life! (Local women respond to Supreme Court decision)

Op-Ed: Roe V Wade Overturned: A Win for Life! (Local women respond to Supreme Court decision)

At a 6 to 3 decision by the Supreme Court Friday June 25th we read historical comments by Justice Samuel Alito, “The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely — the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment." This brought my heart to a standstill with a sigh of relief, as it probably did all of us pro-lifers who for 50 years have been fighting for the unborn.”

Not to mention the tears and praise to the Heavens for allowing this monumental move to take place. Roe v Wade was simply a cover up for big companies to due business at the cost of our children. Look it up, abortion produces billions of dollars of revenue a year! The true atrocity lies in what they use the remains for. From STEM cell research to cosmetics and even food, yes, you didn’t read wrong, food. There have been so many excuses to why abortion is so needed but at the hype of the gender revolution that preached to us that a woman doesn’t have to identify as a woman conveniently now is screaming about “Women’s Rights?” How confusing is that.

Not to mention the aspect of the “My Body My Choice” rhetoric, which the government conveniently forgot about (ignored) during the mandated vaccination period for our military and health employees these past two years during COVID. It makes me wonder how convenient it is to preach about something they are so passionate about and yet be so hypocritical when the same rhetoric serves as an obstacle to their agenda. Therefore “truth” is worth more than gold these days. We are lied to on a daily basis, we are told we are free to make choices but when we express our choice, if it isn’t in alignment to their bigger plans, we are called bigots, racist or even dictators. You should absolutely have 100% freedom concerning medical treatment, except for a vaccine, but you can still terminate your unborn. To me this makes absolutely no sense. We either have medical autonomy or we don’t have medical autonomy, regardless the case you believe to advocate for, no one should have the right to kill.

In other outlets, various celebrities and companies taking advantage of the hype and asking people to fight for their own rights to terminate their child at will. Disney, who is supposed to be a children’s network told their employees they would cover their travel costs for an abortion. However, Disney is not alone in these offerings. Facebook, Sony, Warner Bros just to mention a few are all in it too. Could it be that they are invested more than we know? Let’s do the research…

On June 22. 2006, almost exactly 16 years ago from the Supreme Court’s decision, Michael Spielman wrote an article called “Planned Parenthood and Walt Disney World” describing the author’s dismay on how Disney was both partnering and contributing to Planned Parenthood:

“Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando, Inc. was one of 38 recipients of Walt Disney World an annual Helping Kids Shine Grant on March 28. Chosen from over 200 entries, the PPGO Empowerment Grant will develop a peer education program for young women culminating with a summit on the importance of positive decision making. In a news release, Walt Disney World chose to support community organizations that demonstrate such a deep dedication to improving the lives of children in Central Florida. PPGO received a $18,500 Disney grant in 2004 for our Teen Resource Center and is the only Planned Parenthood in the country recognized by Walt Disney World. This year $20,000 grant will give PPGO much needed seed money for our student-to-student education program and underscores importance as a voice for adolescents in our community.” ~ taken from Planned Parenthood Orlando Website.

(Read full article here: )

Roe V Wade Overturned: A Win for Life! Disney has given billions of dollars to Planned Parenthood, yet Planned Parenthood supplies their monies at will to things like Electioneering. The image below was taken off the IRS information on and presents an example as how they contributed in 2021-22:

Read here

This is why we need to open our eyes and wake up already, the battle is not over or completely won, now is that we need to act in every state to make sure “We The People” elect not politicians but Patriots that love God and value life. In NC, Governor Cooper tweeted this concerning abortion that same Friday:

Well Mr. Cooper, this is why I write my articles because the hypocrisy of politicians needs to stop. If you keep politicians out of the doctor’s exam room, you should keep them out of our schools, workplaces and homes as well.

Liz de Toro. M.Ed.

Local history to come alive onstage this summer

Local history to come alive onstage this summer

Op-Ed: My body, my choice (Local women respond to Supreme Court decision)

Op-Ed: My body, my choice (Local women respond to Supreme Court decision)