

The Son will come out tomorrow

The Son will come out tomorrow

We look forward to tomorrow because of the faith we have in our Savior As believers. We can always believe in the Son, even when the Son is not shining. 

James 4:14 teaches us,” Whereas ye know not what should be on tomorrow. What is your life? It is even a vapor that appeared for a little time, and then vanished away.”

The Son rises and sets at predictable times, it is in the Son that we live and move and have our very being.

In spite of everything going on in the world today, we can trust in the Son of righteousness shining on the believers. 

Can you imagine for a moment how the world will be without the Son? 

 The  Son brings warm and shining glow into our lives, we should always recognize the goodness of light and God, giving us his son.

 The Son is a growing force. The Son gives us a way to go through in the world with stumbling and falling. For we know The Son is forgiving . It is God’s intention for each and everyone of us to enjoy the Son.

“Whenever you are having a day that's gray and lonely just stick out your chin and grin and say.”  The Son will come out tomorrow.

Just remember, there is always hope for a better tomorrow. Despite the challenges and difficulties you may have to face, life is always better under the Son.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon, the wisest King analyzes life through the lens of a man “Living under the son,” without God.

We Must Always place God first in our lives so that the Son may always shine bright.

The Son is faithful in any dark place that one may enter in life.

Annie stated it best when she brought to us in song,”The sun will come out tomorrow oh you gotta hang on till tomorrow, come what may tomorrow, tomorrow. I love you tomorrow. You’re always a day away.”

There is nothing too hard for God. 

When you think things are not going the way you would like them too, bathe your mind in the Sonshine, knowing that God will do a new thing in your life. 

“Do not be anxious about anything in your life.” Matthew:24-34

When you can’t trace God’s hand, you can still trust God‘s heart to provide strength for today and bright hope tomorrow because the Son will always come out tomorrow.

When you are a believer remember, the Son is always doing something in your life, this includes moments of pain. You may find yourself asking the question why behind your present suffering. God may only reveal in eternity the answer, because great is thy faithfulness and the Son will always come out tomorrow.

As we meditate on the word of God this week, always remember every dark cloud has a silver lining and it’s always darkest before the dawn.

 Please rest assured that the Son will always come out tomorrow.

May God Richly Bless!

{Image: Stock}

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