

Want to serve others and your community? First Reformed UCC welcomes you

Want to serve others and your community? First Reformed UCC welcomes you

First Reformed Seeks Volunteers for a Dozen Community Services.

Are you looking for a new way to help others, serve your community, give back, or act on your faith? First Reformed United Church of Christ in Uptown Lexington manages more than a dozen community services or ministries that need community members like you so that we can grow and serve even more people. You do not need to attend First Reformed or even go to church at all to participate and serve your community. All are welcome!

At First Reformed UCC, we

Seek Justice

Practice Kindness

Walk Humbly

Here is how you can be a part of making Lexington better for all!

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Seek Justice

Seeking justice requires working through challenging issues and conversations in a thoughtful and caring way. First Reformed is collaborating with others to provide those opportunities. Join or support the new Lexington chapter of PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). This support group meets monthly in the First Reformed Fellowship Hall.

Join or support the new Lexington chapter of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health). The NAMI Family Support Group for family, friends, and caregivers of those with mental health conditions will begin meeting via Zoom on Monday, April 4, 2022.

Participate in 2CFAR (Crucial Conversations on Faith and Race), a weekly conversation that explores topics of race and faith in Lexington sponsored collaboratively by several Uptown Lexington churches.

Participate in socially relevant book clubs. Every few months, First Reformed leads a book study that examines a social issue through the lens of our Christian faith.

Practice Kindness

Many people in our community need food, clothing, and other support. If you are interested in directly serving your neighbors, consider volunteering in one of these ministries. Prep and serve free community Saturday lunches. Volunteers provide around 100 home- cooked take-out meals to anyone in need each Saturday from First Reformed’s kitchen.

Drive and deliver Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels also operates out of First Reformed’s kitchen and always needs drivers to deliver meals. Grow food for food pantries and other food ministries. Through our community garden, we deliver several hundred pounds each year of fresh fruits and vegetables to nonprofits like Pastor’s Pantry and Meals on Wheels and directly to people picking up Saturday lunches. You can work in the church’s garden or “grow a row” on your own and donate the produce through our community partners.

Put your clothing stylist skills to work in the Clothing Ministry. Do you love putting outfits together and helping others look their best? Volunteers in the Clothing Ministry sort donated clothes and help those in need put together outfits and “shop” for clothes based on their individual needs.

Give back to kids and teachers at Charles England Elementary School. First Reformed has partnered with Charles England Elementary School to assist with any needs the school identifies. We are currently collecting donations for the Student Food Backpack Program, providing volunteers for the Spring Book Fair, helping celebrated educators with Teacher Appreciation Week, and working on other special events or needs for students, families, and teachers as they arise throughout the year.

Walk Humbly

First Reformed United Church of Christ offer a variety of fellowship opportunities each week with special events during the season of Lent. First Reformed welcomes folks of all ages to experience the Stations of Holy Week in the church sanctuary Maundy Thursday, April 14-15 from 4:00-7:00 pm and Saturday, April 16 from 10 am- 12:00 noon. This is a time for you travel the path of Jesus on the last night of His life. There will also be a Maundy Thursday Service on April 14th at 7:00 pm.

For children and youth, we offer Children’s Church on Sunday mornings for grades K-5 and Sunday Evening Youth Group for grades 6-12. On Wednesday evenings, we offer Children’s Fun and Games for grades K-5 and a Youth Bible Study for grades 6-12.

Before worship services, which begin at 10:30 Sunday mornings, we offer an adult Bible Study. You may participate in person or via Zoom.

Love to sing or play an instrument? We have ample opportunities to share your gifts through First Reformed’s choir or by playing our majestic pipe organ, piano, or other instruments.

In the coming weeks, we’ll share more details about the good works underway through each of these community ministries and how you can get involved with and support them.

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