

Davidson County Sheriff issues scam alerts

Davidson County Sheriff issues scam alerts

The Davidson County Sheriff’s Office has issued two separate scam alerts to the citizens of Davidson County. 

The first scam involves individuals being called and told that they have missed jury duty. 

The scammer threatens that the individual must pay a fine or face incarceration.

Everyone is encouraged to spread the word and to also have a conversation with family members and elders about the scam. If you have any questions about your jury duty service, reach out to the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for yourself.

If you are assigned to jury duty you will receive a jury summons for the specific time and location on where to report. A jury summons is printed and it is issued to jurors by U.S. mail. More information is available at

In another incident, the Sheriff’s Office revealed that someone is impersonating a Davidson County investigator. The impersonator is making threatening calls from a fraudulent phone line with the caller identification showing the phone number of the Sheriff’s Department, which is 336 242 2100. 

This is known as spoofing and it is a scam in which a criminal disguises a phone number, caller identification name, email address, website URL or a text message to convince an individual that they are interacting with a trusted source.

Remember that your first line of defense with a scam or spoofing call is to hang up.

If you think you or someone you know has been a victim of spoofing, call the North Carolina Department of Justice at 1-877-5-NO-SCAM. 

You should also reach out to the Lexington Police Department or the Davidson County Sheriff's Office directly.

There is more information available on the North Carolina Department of Justice website at,with%20the%20FCC%20and%20FTC.

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